Get 100 Crystals on LINE COOKIE RUN for free - Guide

There is an event right now called "invite event".

If you invite 50 friends, you will get 100 crystals. I know that it can be hard to gather those friends, thats why i have a secret ninja technique just for you.

1. Go to the LINE app
2. Add the user "fish0001" then add "fish0002" until you reach "fish00050". (there are 51 accounts)
3. Go to Cookie Run and invite those accounts through the "invite event"
4. Enjoy 2000 coins, 100 Gift Points, 1 Rare Egg, Zombie Cookie, Gold Drop and 100 Crystals!

Those accounts do not have Cookie Run installed, so you can invite them.

Thereby you can get all those invite event prices in under 10 minutes!